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The information below is abbreviated from the Parent Handbook.  For more detailed information or if you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us at 913-645-6852.


What kind of curriculum do you use?

We create our own curriculum which is inspired by some of our favorites in the industry.  We chose these programs because they are research-based and time tested professionally developed preschool curriculums.  This way we can ensure that we nurture the whole child and support social, physical and intellectual development. The children build foundational skills in early literacy, math, music, art, social studies and science.  Our program is flexible to allow for our own personal enhancements and adjustments to suit each child's personality and development.


Will my child be challenged academically?

Yes. We think the best academic preparation is to encourage your child's enthusiasm for learning. We have a devoted interest in your child's success.  By providing individual attention in our small group setting, We nurture each child's confidence. Learning to ask questions, discovering cause and effect, negotiating fair play and making new friends are all academic building blocks.


What is your child to staff ratio?

The child to staff ratio is regulated by the Kansas Department of Health. We will mainly be caring for children under 5 most of the year, but will also have openings for 2 school-agers during the summer months. The maximum number allowed for us is 10 children.


Do you accept Part-Time Students?

We only accept Full-Time Tuition, but you may bring your child at any time during the day and as many days of the week that work best for you,

but a child is only allowed to attend a maximum 40 of the 50 hours we are open per week. For  example: 4-10 hour days, 5-8 hour days or a mixture of both.

What age children do you accept?

We accept Children up to 5 years old, but I will only be accepting one child under the age of 2.

How much is Tuition?

Please contact us at 913-645-6852 for Current Tuition Information.


How and when should I pay?  

Payments are due by Pick Up time on the Friday for the following week for those who pay weekly.  We accept cash and our preferred option is Venmo.


What will we need to provide for our child?

We provide ALL the supplies, Cot, Sheet, Pillow, Blanket, Water Bottle and a towel for Summer water play.


You need to provide these items to remain at the facility: medications, a brush or comb, 2 extra changes of clothes including underwear, diapers or pull-ups and socks.  For Summer, your child will also need a swimsuit, swim shirt, water shoes, sunscreen.  We occasionally may ask for donations of old magazines, recyclables, etc.


What should my child wear?

Please send your child in play clothes and play shoes.  We DO get messy and dirty. Your child’s shoes should be ones that they can put on and fasten by themselves. This helps their independence and self-confidence too.


May my child bring toys?

Toys from home are discouraged. A stuffy or special blanket for nap time is allowed. 


Does it matter if I’m late?

No it does not matter. Although, it is disruptive when a child arrives during an activity time. If you are going to be later than normal please

call or text us as soon as possible.  We also REQUIRE that you call or text when your child will not be coming for the day.


Will there be parent/teacher conferences?

No, we will communicate on a daily basis and as needed,  You don't have to wait.  We find in the early years changes and adjustment need to happen continuously and discussed often with the parent. If there is an issue you would like to discuss with us, Please feel free to ask for an after hours meeting.


How will I know if my child is developing at an appropriate rate?

We have a developmental checklist and we will keep you informed if there are any concerns.


May I visit my child during the day?

Absolutely! We encourage you to be a part of your child’s educational progress by coming in from time to time to see what they do.

PLEASE keep in mind that if you come in during the middle of the day and need to leave without your child, they will probably get upset.


Do children go outside every day?

Yes, as weather permits. Playtime outside is important for a healthy body.  We have a big playground, age appropriate swings and climbers, a GIANT sandbox, water play and sand play tables and a play house. In extreme conditions, based on heat index and wind-chill factor, we will not go outside or that time will be limited and done so with caution.


What security measures are taken when releasing children?

If an alternate adult must pick up your child, we must be notified in advance. If we have not met the person, they must present their driver’s license before we allow them to take your child.


What will my child eat?

We follow the Child and Adult Care Food Program regulations but are not enrolled.   We provide a nutritious snack in the morning, lunch and afternoon snack.


Do the  children watch TV all day?

Not throughout the day. Sometimes it may be on if a child is here alone, but they are not allowed to just sit and watch.  The television is used for educational television, educational videos, exercise and dancing videos and movies.  We also believe children can learn from the newer educational shows. We want them to learn how to multi-task, so we may have the education videos/shows running on the television during free exploration time.


Does my child need to be Potty Trained?

No, we will work with your family as a team to get that done.  Potty Training Policy


Do you have pets?

Yes, a cat and 6 dogs.  They are all current on all shots.  The dogs have a separated area inside and outside so the children do not have to have contact with them. The cat generally sleeps all day upstairs.

What is the best time to interview with you?

We prefer weekday evenings so you have our FULL attention.  During the day is not safe and is distracting to the children and to us.   After your initial interview, you are welcome to set up an appointment so you and your child can come to meet the children and experience the daily atmosphere.


The information above is abbreviated from the Parent Handbook.  For more detailed information or if you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us at 913-645-6852.


Frequently Asked Questions

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